Sunday, October 25, 2009

"And if she tell me, child, it were for harlotry, may God spread His mercy on you!"

In court today Judge Danfourth asked me if John's confession to committing lechery was true. I could not answer it with truth. I could barely come up with any words at all. I just wanted to run out of the court room before anything could get worse; run from this town and have John at my side again. I do not understand why he would confess such a thing to the court, or to anyone for that matter. What was he trying to get away from? He never loved Goody Proctor. He did not confess his sins for her! Does he not know that breaking a commandment is an ultimate sin, which has a sentence of hanging? I wish John had just let it be so that he would not be in that cell right now. We were meant for each other, he must know that. I feel it in my heart, I know it is true. I drank that blood and made my wish that day we danced in the forest. I wished we would be together. Goody Proctor should be the only one dying, not my John. I would not have told such a lie to begin with had I known it would lose me the one thing I had been waiting for. We will be together one day. I'll find a way to make it happen.

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